What is

MODEW embodies Motivation, Determination, and Willpower—a guiding philosophy that drives artist Giuseppe Leonardi Greeley. It acknowledges the challenges we face, the uncertainty of our purpose, and the fear that holds us back. MODEW encourages us to believe in a better life and take bold steps, even when we're unsure of our destination.

Life is a journey of self-discovery and growth, where each day offers an opportunity to improve. Willpower is the key, empowering us to shape our desired future, not just for ourselves but for our families. Every transformation begins with a courageous decision to embrace change.

The purpose of this business goes beyond personal success. It's about creating a steady income to support my loved ones and giving back to the community that surrounds us. MODEW aims to inspire you to seize life, pursue happiness, and break down any barriers, including the ones you might impose on yourself.

With MODEW, we embrace the power of determination, and together, we'll paint a brighter future—one brushstroke at a time.

My Mission Statement

I never saw myself as an abstract expressionist artist because I always thought that the artwork was meaningless. I thought to myself, “What do these people see and feel when they create this style of work?”. I didn’t realize that I was an abstract expressionist painter until someone showed me the work of Wassily Kadinsky, a German expressionist. Abstract expressionism is modeled after his work. When I saw his technique, which encompasses similarities to my work, I knew immediately that I was an abstract expressionist artist and realized that this style was not hollow, but meaningful. As an abstract expressionist, layering and blending of colors, tape overlays and experimental use(s) of mediums begin my work. I generally research an artist by visiting museums, viewing documentaries, or perusing books. I choose an emotion or social construct e.g., love, hate, anger, peace etc., and find its symbolic equivalent to draw. Color is next and I usually experiment until it feels and looks “accurate.” In this process, I try to investigate who I am and what I feel. Without changing the symbol, I stay true to its cultural and social identity. As I move forward in the piece, I search for the hidden beauty of expression. The work of Wassily Kandinsky influences my artistic practice more than any other abstract-expressionist. He states, “Color is the keyboard, the eyes are the harmonies, the soul is the piano with many strings. The artist is the hand that plays, touching one key or another, to cause vibrations in the soul”. With this in mind, my works are conscious and subconscious discussions simultaneously. I lean heavily upon the juxtaposition of color and shape to express my artistic ideas. When I listen to music it is my soul that expresses itself, but when I use color it is my emotive self that takes off and my creative juices flow. I can now create a work without representational form and mirror the style of Kandinsky with my brush.

Thank you and God Bless

Giuseppe Leonardi Greeley

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